Site icon The Boxer Babe

Hi! My name is…

Briana but from here on out you’ll know me as The Boxer Babe. I live in south-central Wisconsin with my husband, three kitties, and of course my BOXER! If you want to know a little bit more about me personally, check out the “About” page above. Otherwise, continue on below to meet the inspiration for this community:

Meet my beautiful brindle baby boy, Bowie.

Bowie was born on June 5, 2021. He is one of eight siblings and has two beautiful brindle parents. We got him from a WONDERFUL breeder out of northern Wisconsin, and couldn’t be happier with our baby. If I had to describe Bowie in three words, it would be handsome, dopey, and challenging. Everyone thinks their kid is beautiful, but my baby is definitely photogenic. The camera loves him! And gosh is he smart, but so…. slow sometimes. He’s just a big goofy oaf. If you’re a Boxer owner, I guarantee you know what I mean. LOL!

Last but not least, I want to point out the challenging part. This is specifically what inspired me to connect with so many people on so many platforms because as a new owner I wanted (and needed) help. When you get a new dog or puppy, especially if you’re a first-time owner, you don’t always realize how much work can go into raising them. Although a lot of it may seem like common sense, you don’t necessarily realize that you’re going to be sleep deprived from getting up every hour or two to let your newborn out to potty. You didn’t think that even because he pooped outside like a good boy every time since you brought him home that he would sneak into a room and take a dump on your new rug. You didn’t realize dog food would get so expensive and you DEFINITELY didn’t know how hard it would be to teach him that biting is not okay.

This pup has tested every ounce of my patience and pushed every one of my buttons.

But I wouldn’t want my life without him in it. He’s taught both me and my husband patience, understanding, determination, persistence, and given me an overwhelming love and interest for this breed. He fascinates me and truly makes me want to better myself for him. He inspires me to learn as much as I can to give him the best life he can have…because he deserves it.

His nails hurt when he jumps. His teeth hurt when he nips. His farts stink and he’s absolutely exhausting. But on top of that, he’s one of the sweetest and most sensitive souls I’ve met. His overwhelming love for everyone he meets, his warm snuggles and stinky kisses make up for the rest of it. And I’m confident that every other Boxer owner can relate to that.

That’s why I wanted to create my own community to collaborate with other owners. The most helpful tool I’ve had when it comes to raising Bowie is other owners. Raising a Boxer is HARD WORK. But it’s a lot easier when you have friends and other people that are going through the same thing. So here’s to you Bowie… inspiring people, bringing them together, and still not listening to me when I say “STAY OUT OF THE CAT FOOD!”

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